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أكثر المشاركين في هذا الموضوع

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بارك الله فيكم جميعا

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استاذ امجد كما قرأت في موضوعكم أنكم بصدد ترجمة الكتاب ،، وهذا عمل عملاق تشكرون عليه
ولكن هل الترجمه موجوده
او جزء منها
ارجوا ان احصل عليه لحاجتي الشديه له
كتب الله أجركم وأثابكم على أعمالكم

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اريدك يا اخي امجد ان ترد علي حاولت ارسل لك كذا مرة ولا يوجد اي رد منك اخي الكريم انا الحين ادرس ماده اسمها system anlysis and design and the teachar get the case study pleas help me

Description of the Company:
GrandVision Home Builders is a company engaged in property development. The management needs to ensure the availability of materials required on time so that the buildings construction progress smoothly. With a number of upcoming projects in hand, and to improve the productivity of its workforce, the company decides to computerize its purchasing functions.

The purchase department is responsible for buying all the materials required for construction. The management is responsible for selecting quality suppliers to purchase the materials. When materials need to be purchased, based on the requirement, the purchase department has to decide on the procedures to buy the necessary items.
The resource management department is responsible for preparing the list of materials that are required to be purchased. This list needs to be send to the purchase department at regular intervals or based on demand to ensure uninterrupted availability of building materials.
When the purchase department receives the list of items to be purchased from the resource department, it decides on what kind of procedure it needs to adapt based on the quantity and the estimated cost of expenses that can incur. If it is a small amount or small quantity, the product catalog from the supplier is verified to get the details of the products, a purchase list is created, gets approval from the management, Purchase Order is created and send to the supplier.
If it is a large amount or a large quantity, issue a Request for Quotation to different suppliers specifying the items to be purchased, evaluate the bids received, negotiate purchase if necessary, select the supplier with the best bid, get approval from the management, prepare two copies of Purchase Order and send a copy to the supplier and keep the other copy.
If the purchase list or the bid is not approved, the purchase department has to check the reason for the refusal. Then the list needs to be rechecked and modified to reflect the suggestions given by the management and after modifying the list, that needs to be resend to get the approval. In case of no approval for the bid, bids should to be evaluated again and some other supplier’s bid needs to be selected to send for approval. SAD – COMP 0004 –SPRG – 12 – CW2 –PMM
COMP 0004 Page 3 of 8

The purchase department supervisor will follow up with the suppliers to assure that the materials are received on time. Once the materials are received from the supplier, the supplier invoice should be matched with the Purchase Order created to verify that correct materials are received. Once checked and matching, supplier invoice goes to the inventory department. If some discrepancy is found, the supplier will be informed about it. Then the supplier needs to take appropriate measures to make sure that their invoice matches with the Purchase Order.
The inventory department is responsible for maintaining the stock of materials needed for construction. After the ordered items are received, the stock details should be updated and a notification about this will be send to the accounts department along with the supplier invoice. In case of any damaged material, a debit note needs to be prepared and it should be submitted to the accounts department. After verification, the materials are sent to the resource management department for storage and distribution.
The accounts department is responsible for payment to the suppliers after it receives the notification on stock updating along with the debit note (if any) from the inventory department. In case of debit note the deduction should be made from the total amount which will be reflected in the final payment cheque. The final payment cheque along with the supplier invoice will be forwarded to the management for signature. The signed cheque will be handed over to the accounts department along with the supplier invoice. The supplier invoice will be kept and final payment cheque will be sent to the supplier along with the damage materials report (if any). After payment, the account records are updated accordingly.
Based on the above narration, do the following tasks:
1. Prepare the following for the above mentioned scenario:
a. Context diagram. (6 marks)
b. Level 0 DFD (Data Flow Diagram) (10 marks)
c. Level 1 DFD of any one of the processes identified in the Level 0 DFD.

(6 marks)
d. Structured English to express the logic covered in the 3, 4 and 5 paragraphs in the scenario. (6 marks)

2. Assume that you are the Systems Analyst handling the project.
a. Based on the above mentioned scenario of the current system prepare a detailed recommendation on how you are going to automate the current processes through your computerized Information System. (6 marks)
b. Prepare a questionnaire with at least 5 valid questions. (6 marks)
c. Prepare and design an input form for the proposed system for the purchase


رابط هذا التعليق

السادة / طيف الأيام

مرحبا بك بالمنتدى
يمكنك الحصول على ملخص الكتاب 10 اجزاء فى ملفات powepoint
من الموقع المذكور فى بداية الموضوع .. وهو موقع دار النشر ومسموح بالتحميل منه
ونحن الان بصدد الترجمة لهذه الاجزاء وتم ترجمة الجزء الاول ( الأخ / noisy_cat جزاه الله خيرا )
والثانى (الأخ / هشام جزاه الله خيرا ) وجارى ترجمة الثالث
اذا اردت المشاركة فى الترجمه يمكنك اختيار جزء 4 أو 5 .. ابلغنى باختيارك
وسوف ارسل لك نسخه من الترجمة السابقة للجزء الاول المترجم
للتعامل مع شكل موحد لل10 اجزاء .. ان شاء الله

السادة / white flower
مرحبا بك معنا بالمنتدى
توجد مشاركات سابقة بالمنتدى عن اسس التحليل
يمكنك استخدام خاصية البحث

الأخ / elnobey
شكرا على المرور .. والمشاركة المعنويه الهامه

السلام عليكم استاذ:
انا احاول اطلع على الدروس بس احاول افتح بس يفتح عندي غير الكتاب وانا اريدك استاذ ان تساعدني وبارك الله فيك استاذي
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اتمنى وضع لينك ترجمه ماده اساسيات تحليل وتصميم النظم باسرع وقت :wub:
الله يوفقكم ويجعله بموازين حسناتكم يارب
ودي واحترامي :wub:

رابط هذا التعليق

انضم إلى المناقشة

يمكنك المشاركة الآن والتسجيل لاحقاً. إذا كان لديك حساب, سجل دخولك الآن لتقوم بالمشاركة من خلال حسابك.

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