هانى سند بتاريخ: 7 أبريل 2004 تقديم بلاغ مشاركة بتاريخ: 7 أبريل 2004 السلام عليكم operating system :windows Xp home edition with sp1oracle developer suite ver : developer suite release 2 tipical installtion عند محاولتي العمل علي برنامج oracle designer 9i طلب مني اولا انشاء repository لهذا المستخدم و عند عمل هذه ال repository كله مشي كويس عدا انشاء الجزء الخاص بالwork erea ثم بعد الانتهاء من انشاء repository عند تشغيل طلع ايرور ان هذه الrepository ليس بها work erea او ان الصلاحيات غير كافية ما هي المشكلة و ما هي الصلاحيات الواجب توافرها في اليوزر الذي تنشأ له ال repository و ارجو من الاخوة الذين لديهم خبرة في الديزاينر ان يفيدونا عن الخطوات الواجب تنفيذها لتشغيله ارجو الرد و الاهتمام ومشكور اخواني اقتباس رابط هذا التعليق شارك المزيد من خيارات المشاركة
kindghost بتاريخ: 9 أبريل 2004 تقديم بلاغ مشاركة بتاريخ: 9 أبريل 2004 Post Installation PhaseWhen the installation process has completed successfully, you need to do thefollowing to make the repository ready for use: Enable Version Control, If Used· Test Basic Repository Operations· Create Subordinate Users· Grant System Privileges to Users· Grant Access Privileges to Users· Start to Use the Repository ToolsEnable Version Control, If UsedIf you will be using version control for repository objects, you must enable thisfeature in the repository.To enable version control, proceed as follows:1. In the Repository Administration Utility, choose Options > Enable VersionSupport.2. Reply Yes to the "Do you wish to proceed?" message.3. Click OK at the "Operation Complete" message.4. Read the message about the use of the Repository Object Navigator and clickOK.Test Basic Repository OperationsWe recommend testing some of the basic repository operations before making therepository available to other users.To test the repository, proceed as follows:1. If you have enabled version control, create a new default workarea:a. Start the Repository Object Navigator by clicking Start and choosingPrograms > Oracle 9i Developer suite >Oracle 9i ConfigurationManager > Repository Object Navigator.b. Use the same connection details that you used earlier for starting theRepository Administration Utility.c. Click OK to acknowledge the message about statistics.d. At the Welcome screen, choose "Invoke Workarea Wizard" and clickOK.e. Create a default workarea using the wizard.To see the new workarea, you will need to open a new Navigatorwindow at the level of Private Workareas or above.After creating a workarea follow the following steps to test that the repository isworking:1. Press Start->Programs ->Oracle Developer Suite->Oracle 9i Designer->Oracle designer2. Enter the user name repos_owner and the password repos_owner and in thehost string enter your database alias name.3. Choose the name of your workarea.4. Choose Entity Relation Ship Diagrammer in order to create a digram to testthat the repository has been successfully installed.5. Press File->New.6. In the Select Container Window press the push button to select a container.7. In the select Object Window press the create folder button to create a newcontainer,rename the container as desired,click on the name of the containerthen press ok.8. Press ok.9. Start placing entities into your entity relationship diagram.Create Subordinate UsersIf other users at your site are to have access to the repository, you will need tocreate subordinate users. This is the term given to repository users other than therepository owner. Any usernames you want to use for subordinate users mustalready have been created as Oracle usernames via a CREATE USER statement inSQL*Plus.You create subordinate users from the Repository Administration Utility. Creatingsubordinate users requires particular care to ensure that the users have the correct:· system privileges (see the next section)· repository privileges (e.g., whether they can create configurations or purgeobject versions)· access rights (see "Grant Access Rights to Users")For full details of the procedure to create subordinate users, see the topic "Grantingrepository access to an Oracle user" in the Repository Management help system.Subordinate users must be assigned the CONNECT and RESOURCE database roles.To do so, start SQL*Plus, connect as SYS and issue the following command for eachuser:grant connect, resource to username;If you experience errors when trying to create subordinate users, see "ErrorMessages When Creating Subordinate Users" in Appendix C.Grant System Privileges to UsersVarious system privileges are required by a repository owner and subordinate usersto perform certain repository operations. The following table lists various systemprivileges, and indicates the operations for which the repository owner orsubordinate user will need them:System privilege Repository owner Subordinate userCREATE SESSION Connection Connection*ALTER SESSION Diagnostics Diagnostics*CREATE TABLE Installation, migration *CREATE VIEW Installation *CREATE SEQUENCE Installation *CREATE PROCEDURE Installation *CREATE TRIGGER Installation *CREATE ANY SYNONYM Reconcile userDROP ANY SYNONYM Reconcile userCREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM Reconcile userDROP PUBLIC SYNONYM Reconcile userCREATE DATABASE LINK Migration *CREATE ROLE Reconcile userCREATE SYNONYM Migration *CREATE ANY TABLE RegistrationCREATE ANY VIEW RegistrationCREATE ANY SNAPSHOT RegistrationCREATE ANY SYNONYM RegistrationCREATE ANY PROCEDURE RegistrationCREATE ANY SEQUENCE RegistrationCREATE ANY TRIGGER RegistrationCREATE ANY INDEX RegistrationCREATE ANY TYPE RegistrationCREATE ANY CLUSTER RegistrationSELECT ANY SEQUENCE RegistrationSELECT ANY TABLE Registration* these privileges are granted to subordinate users when they are assigned theCONNECT and RESOURCE rolesDiagnostics privileges are required if, for example, you wish to enable SQL TRACE.Registration privileges are required for registration of Oracle schemas in therepository. See the online help for Repository Management.Reconcile user privileges allow subordinate users to be enabled or disabled(synonyms created or dropped) via the Reconcile button on the Maintain Users dialogbox of the Repository Administration Utility.Some subordinate users may need additional privileges depending on which utilitiesthey will be running (e.g. Import/Export from the Repository Object Navigator). Togrant these, connect as SYS and enter any or all of the following as appropriate:grant create table to subordinate_user;grant create view to subordinate_user;grant create procedure to subordinate_user;grant create synonym to subordinate_user;grant create sequence to subordinate_user;grant select on dba_rollback_segs to subordinate_user;grant select on dba_segments to subordinate_user;Grant Access Rights to UsersThe user who owns a workarea, container or configuration can grant access rights onthat item to other users, or revoke them from those users.If you have created subordinate users, test the access rights mechanism as follows:1. In the Repository Object Navigator, choose File > Access Rights > ViewAccess Rights.2. Check the current access rights on the test workarea and container that youcreated earlier.3. Grant (at least) the Select access right on the workarea and container to oneof the subordinate users.4. Change the connection to that user.5. Check that the user can see the workarea (under Shared Workareas) and thecontainer.6. Change the connection back to the repository owner and revoke the accessrights.To grant an access right to all subordinate users (present or future), grant it toPUBLIC.Start to Use the Repository ToolsThe installation of the new repository instance is now complete. Create anyworkareas and containers required, grant the access rights to them and informsubordinate users that they can now begin using the repository tools.If you need help at any point while using a repository tool, choose Help > HelpTopics on the tool. If a dialog box is displayed, click its Help button.Even within a single workarea, you may be able to see hundreds, even thousands, ofobjects. Some way of organizing these objects is necessary. Oracle Repositoryprovides different types of containers in which to organize your objects.Containers are similar to directories in a file system - they are simply a means oforganizing repository objects in a logical fashion. Note that the repository ownermust have assigned you the Containers repository privilege before you can createcontainers.There are two types of container, folders and application systems, either of whichcan hold instances of any type of repository object. Folders are available even if youinstall only the core repository (for example when using the repository as a sourcecontrol system). Application systems are available (as well as folders) if you installOracle Designer, for application development.A special folder, the system folder, contains a number of predefined language types,such as Java or Oracle Forms. You can use these when defining application modules,for example. The system folder also contains a predefined preference set for use withForm Generator, to optimize the look-and-feel of generated applications.When you create a container, you are its owner. You can subsequently transferownership to another user.Any container can be placed under version control, as can any or all of the objects itcontains, but objects and their containers are versioned independently of each other.A new version of a container is created when its owner either adds or removesobjects in it, or changes one or more of its properties (for example its name).Appendix (A)Version control is the process of maintaining multiple versions of software developmentobjects and is the most basic requirement for a software configuration managementsystem.Both repository and non-repository objects can be version-controlled in the commonrepository. AboutThe repository manages all repository objects, as well as file system files and directories.This enables the tracking of changes to the organization of the source data, as well astracking the changes to the contents of individual files.Versions are organized into a version tree structure with branches. Branches have userdefinedlabels, typically chosen to indicate their role in the development process.All object versions can be identified by system-generated version numbers or userdefinedversion labels. You can choose the format used to identify object versions: eitherthe version label, or the branch label followed by the version number. HowVersion historyEach object in the repository is held as a set of snapshots, called object versions, of itsstate at certain points in time. The object versions are linked together by associations thatrecord how each object version evolved from its predecessors. This web of associations,represented by the version tree, is called the version history of the object and can showsuccession, branching and merging.The version history associations also have a number of version control attributes,including:·a unique version identifier·the identifier of the user who created the object·the date and time the object was created·the identifier of the user who changed the object·the date and time the object was changed·status of the object (for example checked out or checked in)·a comment (a descriptive reason for checking in or out)Checkin and checkoutVersion control starts when an object is checked in. Objects that are checked in are writeprotected. The object must be checked out before it can be modified.Only one version of an object can be included in a workarea and only one version of anobject is visible through the workarea view. However, the complete history of an objectand all the events that occurred to it can be viewed through tools provided by therepository.Any file or folder in your file system, as well as repository objects, can be the subject ofversion control. You can copy files and folders into the repository and copy them back tothe file system. You can also synchronize your file system with the repository at any timeto ensure both are consistent. AboutWhen checking an object in or out you can provide notes to briefly describe the reasonfor the action.Once the object is checked out a copy of the object is moved into your workarea. Yourworkarea contains all the checked-out objects you are working with. When the object ischecked out, the workarea is refreshed so that the new object version appears in yourversion resolved view and can be edited by you.You can undo a check out but any changes you have made to the object are lost. Thesystem administrator has the privilege to cancel a checkout.BranchingWhen checking in an object, you can decide if the changes are to be included in thebranch from where the object was checked out or if the changes are to be represented ona new branch. Branch labels can provide some meaning to the development strand, forexample, as a set of changes related to bug fixes.Many of the checkin options are available by default. For example the default actioncould be to create a new branch, with a specified label. This default would apply to allobjects checked in from your workarea. This could enable all the changes made on agiven set of objects to be queried from the repository and used in release management orquality assurance procedures.Locking, comparing and mergingDuring the checkout operation, the object can be locked so that no other users can checkout a copy for editing. If you choose not to lock the object, there is the possibility thatwhen the time comes to check the object back in, another user may have made changes inthe interval. In these circumstances, and depending on who checks their version in againfirst, the compare and merge tools have to be used to ascertain how to check the objectback in.A compare operation compares two object versions and displays the differences anddetails of the two object versions in the Compare window.A merge operation combines changes that have occurred independently in two objectversions. A merge is typically required when development has taken place on a branchand the changes need to be incorporated back onto the main line of development.The merge operation takes two contributor object versions, compares them to a commonancestor version, and uses internal rules to create a result version based on changes foundin all three versions. The differences and conflicts encountered by the merge algorithmare displayed in the Merge window, enabling to view the selections and, if necessary, tooverride those selections before the result is produced.[/align] اقتباس رابط هذا التعليق شارك المزيد من خيارات المشاركة
mojtaba بتاريخ: 10 نوفمبر 2004 تقديم بلاغ مشاركة بتاريخ: 10 نوفمبر 2004 مضبوط اشتغل 100% اقتباس رابط هذا التعليق شارك المزيد من خيارات المشاركة
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