babor_kaz بتاريخ: 14 يونيو 2005 تقديم بلاغ مشاركة بتاريخ: 14 يونيو 2005 في حالة انقضاء مدة من الزمن .... اريد ان يقوم بتغيير قيم في الجداولماذا و اكتب و اين اكتب؟؟؟؟؟ اقتباس رابط هذا التعليق شارك المزيد من خيارات المشاركة
mustafa76 بتاريخ: 14 يونيو 2005 تقديم بلاغ مشاركة بتاريخ: 14 يونيو 2005 اقراء عن dbms_job اتعب فتتعلم لا اريد ان اراك هنا ابداً لا بعد ان تعرف ما هو ال dbms_jobوالى الامام جميعاً اقتباس رابط هذا التعليق شارك المزيد من خيارات المشاركة
babor_kaz بتاريخ: 14 يونيو 2005 كاتب الموضوع تقديم بلاغ مشاركة بتاريخ: 14 يونيو 2005 شكرا يا اخوي يا مصطفى على هاي المعنويات اللي بدك تعطيني اياها مع اني متغرب عن بلدي بس والله حاسس عن جد انك اخوي.... لكن انا لازم اعمل نظام محاسبة خلال مدة زمنية معينة وانا والحمد لله بنيت الجداول و حللت النظام وبدأت اعمل VAILDATION لكني والله جديد على ORACLE ما صالي 3 شهور بعمل و فضل رب العالمين صار عندي خبرةلابأس فيها بس بدنا شويت دعم منكم.... على فكرة دورت على DBMS.JOB في ملفات المساعدة ما لقيت شي اقتباس رابط هذا التعليق شارك المزيد من خيارات المشاركة
mustafa76 بتاريخ: 14 يونيو 2005 تقديم بلاغ مشاركة بتاريخ: 14 يونيو 2005 شكرا يا اخوي يا مصطفى على هاي المعنويات اللي بدك تعطيني اياها مع اني متغرب عن بلديهل تحاول ان تسترق قلبي مهو الحال من بعضه اخوك مغترب كمان .في الهليب لا يوجد شيء في اي محرك بحث على الانترنت وعلى سبيل المثال اكتب dbms_job ابحث سوف تجد مئات المواقع التي تشرح ذلك والى الامام جميعاً اقتباس رابط هذا التعليق شارك المزيد من خيارات المشاركة
mustafa76 بتاريخ: 15 يونيو 2005 تقديم بلاغ مشاركة بتاريخ: 15 يونيو 2005 هيا معي هيا يا ببور شيل يا معلم شيل الله يعينك Overview -------- This article contains information on how to use the DBMS_JOB package to submit a job for execution at specific times. Examples are provided for scheduling jobs for the following times: o Monday through Friday o Midnight every night o Every day at the same time Submit Procedure ---------------- The submit procedure submits a new job to the job queue. The following is the header for the procedure: PROCEDURE DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT (job OUT BINARY_INTEGER, what IN VARCHAR2 NEXT_DATE IN DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE, Interval IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'null', No_parse IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE); The parameters are summarized as follows: Parameter Description Job Unique identifier of the job What PL/SQL code to execute as a job Next_date Next execution date of the job Interval Date expression to compute next execute of date No_parse Flag indicating whether to parse job PL/SQL at time of submission (FALSE) or execution (TRUE) Monday through Friday Example ----------------------------- The following example shows how to schedule a job to execute Monday through Friday: DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT (:v_jobnum,'my_procedure;', sysdate, 'TRUNC(LEAST(NEXT_DAY(SYSDATE,''MONDAY''), NEXT_DAY(SYSDATE,''TUESDAY''), NEXT_DAY(SYSDATE,''WEDNESDAY''), NEXT_DAY(SYSDATE,''THURSDAY''), NEXT_DAY(SYSDATE,''FRIDAY'') ))'); The following example shows how to schedule a job to execute Monday through Friday at 6:00 pm: DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT (:v_jobnum,'my_procedure;', sysdate, 'TRUNC(LEAST(NEXT_DAY(SYSDATE,''MONDAY''), NEXT_DAY(SYSDATE,''TUESDAY''), NEXT_DAY(SYSDATE,''WEDNESDAY''), NEXT_DAY(SYSDATE,''THURSDAY''), NEXT_DAY(SYSDATE,''FRIDAY'') )) + 18/24'); Notes: ** Two single quotes are used around the day of the week, not double quotes. ** Ensure that the 4th parameter is all on one line. Allow the line to wrap if necessary. The 4th parameter only allows 200 characters. Several white spaces can cause this limit to be reached quickly. Midnight Example ---------------- The following example shows how to schedule a job to execute at midnight every night: DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT (:v_jobnum, 'my_procedure;', trunc(sysdate) + 1, 'sysdate + 1'); The 'trunc(sysdate) + 1' sets the time back to the current day, midnight, and informs the scheduler to start the job at the following midnight. The 'sysdate + 1' sets the interval to 1 day. This job would run the first time at midnight, then every midnight afterwards. To schedule the job at 8 a.m., specify the next_date parameter as trunc(sysdate) + 1 + 8/24. Daily Example ------------- The following example shows how to schedule a job to execute every day at the same time: DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT (:v_jobnum, 'my_procedure;', trunc(sysdate)+?.??/24, 'trunc(sysdate+1)+?.??/24'); To run the job at the same time every day, make sure that you pass the same value '?.??/24' to both the 'next_date' and 'interval' parameters. The value returned by trunc(sysdate) is midnight today and the value returned by trunc(sysdate + 1) is midnight tomorrow. References ---------- "Oracle8 Server Administrator's Guide", Chapter 7, (A54641-01) "Oracle8I Administrator's Guide", Chapter 8, (A67772-01) "Oracle8I Supplied Packages Reference, Volume 1", Chapter 16, (A67840-01) اقتباس رابط هذا التعليق شارك المزيد من خيارات المشاركة
mustafa76 بتاريخ: 15 يونيو 2005 تقديم بلاغ مشاركة بتاريخ: 15 يونيو 2005 شيل شيل يا حمال الاسية Using the DBMS_JOB Package Introduction ------------ DBMS_JOB is an Oracle PL/SQL package provided to users. It is available with PL/SQL 2.2 and higher. DBMS_JOB allows a user to schedule a job to run at a specified time. A job is submitted to a job queue and runs at the specified time. The user can also input a parameter that specifies how often the job should run. A job can consist of any PL/SQL code. Job Environment --------------- Oracle7 records the following environment characteristics whenever a job is submitted to the job queue or a job's definition is altered: current user user submitting or altering job current schema MAC privileges (if appropriate) The following NLS parameters are also recorded by Oracle: NLS_LANGUAGE NLS_TERRITORY NLS_CURRENCY NLS_ISO_CURRENCY NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS NLS_DATE_FORMAT NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE NLS_SORT To change a job's environment, use the DBMS_SQL package and the ALTER SESSION command. This only changes the current execution of the job. SNP Background Processes ------------------------ SNP processes run in the background and implement database snapshots and job queues. If an SNP process fails, Oracle7 restarts it without affecting the rest of the database. An SNP process can run one job at a time with a maximum of ten SNP processes running simultaneously. The INIT.ORA initialization file contains three parameters that control the behavior of the SNP processes: Parameters Description JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES How many processes to start. If set to zero, no jobs are executed. Default is 0. Range is 0..10. JOB_QUEUE_INTERVAL How long an interval the process will sleep before checking for a new job. Default is 60 sec. Range is 1..3600 sec. JOB_QUEUE_KEEP_CONNECTIONS Controls whether an SNP process closes any remote database connections. Default is False. Range is True/False. The DBMS_JOB Package -------------------- Below are a list of procedures available with the DBMS_JOB package. Most procedures in this package require a COMMIT before the changes are noticed by the SNP processes. Procedure SUBMIT ---------------- To submit a job to the job queue. DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT(job OUT BINARY_INTEGER, what IN VARCHAR2, next_date IN DATE, interval IN VARCHAR2, no_parse IN BOOLEAN) Parameters Description Job When a job is created a job number is assigned to it. This job number is unique. You must use the job number whenever you alter or remove the job. As long as the job exists, the number will remain the same. What The PL/SQL code you wish to execute. It is usually a call to a stored procedure, which can have any number of parameters. Use two single quotes around strings and a semicolon at the end of the job definition. Next_date The date when the job will execute. Default is SYSDATE. Interval A function that calculates the next time the job is to execute. Default is NULL. No_parse If TRUE, Oracle parses the code the first time the job is executed. If FALSE, the job is parsed when submitted. Default is FALSE. The following is an example of a DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT: SQL> EXECUTE dbms_job.submit(:x,'procedure_name;',sysdate,'sysdate+1') SQL> COMMIT; When a job is submitted to the job queue, it runs automatically depending on the NEXT_DATE and INTERVAL parameters. Jobs will not run automatically when submitted on newly created databases that have not been bounced. If a newly created database is bounced, then submitted jobs will run automatically as expected. Also, when a database is started in restricted mode, no jobs will be run. Import/Export: Jobs can be imported and exported. If a job is defined in one database, it can be transferred to another database. This does not change the job number, environment, or definition. Job Owner: The person who submits a job to the job queue is considered the job's owner. The job's owner is the only one who can alter the job, force the job to run, or remove the job from the queue. If you need to look up any information regarding a submitted job, DBA_JOBS and USER_JOBS contain a lot of information such as the job number, user, status, etc. Below is a description of the DBA_JOBS table: SQL> desc dba_jobs Name Null? Type ------------------------------- -------- ---- JOB NOT NULL NUMBER LOG_USER NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) PRIV_USER NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) SCHEMA_USER NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) LAST_DATE DATE LAST_SEC VARCHAR2(8) THIS_DATE DATE THIS_SEC VARCHAR2(8) NEXT_DATE NOT NULL DATE NEXT_SEC VARCHAR2(8) TOTAL_TIME NUMBER BROKEN VARCHAR2(1) INTERVAL NOT NULL VARCHAR2(200) FAILURES NUMBER WHAT VARCHAR2(2000) CURRENT_SESSION_LABEL RAW MLSLABEL CLEARANCE_HI RAW MLSLABEL CLEARANCE_LO RAW MLSLABEL NLS_ENV VARCHAR2(2000) MISC_ENV RAW(32) Job Definitions: The WHAT parameter of the SUBMIT procedure specifies the job definition. The WHAT parameter should be a string that calls the stored procedure to be run. There can be any number of parameters. All parameters should be IN parameters. The only exceptions to this rule are the special identifiers next_date and broken. Job definitions should be enclosed in single quotes and terminated with a semicolon. DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT(1234, 'employee_stats(''PROGRAMMER'',''FULL_TIME'',''HIRE_DATE'');', SYSDATE, SYSDATE + 7); Procedure REMOVE ---------------- Use the REMOVE procedure to remove a job from the job queue. DBMS_JOB.REMOVE(job IN BINARY_INTEGER); Parameters Description Job Job number. As long as the job exists, the number will remain the same. The only parameter required is the job number. A job that is currently running is not interrupted. When the job completes, then the job is removed. You can only remove a job that you own. If you try to remove a job you do not own, you receive a message stating the job does not exist. Procedure CHANGE ---------------- To alter a job that has already been submitted to the job queue, use the CHANGE procedure. DBMS_JOB.CHANGE(job IN BINARY_INTEGER, what IN VARCHAR2, next_date IN DATE, interval IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Description Job Job number. As long as the job exists, the number will remain the same. What The PL/SQL code you want executed. It is usually a call to a stored procedure, which can have any number of parameters. Use two single quotes around strings and a semicolon at the end of the job definition. Next_date The date when the job will execute. Interval A function that calculates the next time the job is to execute. The CHANGE procedure is used to alter more than one job characteristic at once. If you specify NULL for the WHAT, NEXT_DATE, or INTERVAL parameter, the current value for that parameter is not changed. Procedure WHAT -------------- This procedure is used to alter the definition of a job. DBMS_JOB.WHAT(job IN BINARY_INTEGER, what IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Description Job Job number. As long as the job exists, the number remains the same. What The PL/SQL code you want executed. It is usually a call to a stored procedure, which can have any number of parameters. Use two single quotes around strings and a semicolon at the end of the job definition. When you execute the WHAT procedure, Oracle records your current environment, which then becomes the new environment for the job. Procedure NEXT_DATE ------------------- The NEXT_DATE procedure is used to alter the next date that Oracle executes a job. DBMS_JOB.NEXT_DATE(job IN BINARY_INTEGER, next_date IN DATE); Parameters Description Job Job number. As long as the job exists, the number will remain the same. Next_date The date when the job will execute next. Procedure INTERVAL ------------------ The INTERVAL procedure is used to alter the interval between executions for a specified job. DBMS_JOB.INTERVAL(job IN BINARY_INTEGER, interval IN VARCHAR2); Parameters Description Job Job number. As long as the job exists, the number will remain the same. Interval A function that calculates the next time the job is to execute. Procedure BROKEN ---------------- Use the BROKEN procedure to mark a job as broken or not broken. DBMS_JOB.BROKEN(job IN BINARY_INTEGER, broken IN BOOLEAN, next_date IN DATE); Parameters Description Job Job number. As long as the job exists, the number remains the same. Broken Status of the job. If TRUE, the job is marked as broken. If FALSE, the job is marked as not broken and is run at the time specified by next_date. Next_date The date when the job will execute. A job is marked either broken or not broken. Oracle7 does not attempt to run broken jobs. You can use the DBMS_JOB.RUN procedure to force a broken job to run. If that job runs successfully, the job is marked as not broken. There are two ways a job can break: 1. Oracle7 fails to successfully execute the job after sixteen attempts. 2. The job is marked as broken with the DBMS_JOB.BROKEN procedure. Only jobs that you own may be marked as broken. Procedure RUN ------------- The DBMS_JOB.RUN procedure can be used to force a specific job to run immediately. DBMS_JOB.RUN(job IN BINARY_INTEGER); Parameters Description Job Job number. As long as the job exists, the number remains the same. When executing a job with the RUN procedure, Oracle7 recomputes the next execution date starting on the date the job is RUN. When you use the RUN procedure, the job is executed in your current session. Your session's packages are also reinitialized when the job is run. Only jobs that you own can be executed using the RUN procedure. An implicit COMMIT is performed when procedure RUN is executed. For this reason, you cannot rollback once you execute a job using procedure RUN. Viewing Jobs in the Data Dictionary ----------------------------------- There are several data dictionary views that contain information about jobs. DBA_JOBS and USER_JOBS contain information such as job number, next_date, interval, broken status, and failures. You can also query the view DBA_JOBS_RUNNING to see a list of all jobs in the database that are currently executing. Below is a describe on the DBA_JOBS_RUNNING view. SQL> desc DBA_JOBS_RUNNING Name Null? Type ------------------------------- -------- ---- SID NUMBER JOB NUMBER FAILURES NUMBER LAST_DATE DATE LAST_SEC VARCHAR2(8) THIS_DATE DATE THIS_SEC VARCHAR2(8) ولا تنسانا في آخر الامر من صالح الدعاء اقتباس رابط هذا التعليق شارك المزيد من خيارات المشاركة
babor_kaz بتاريخ: 15 يونيو 2005 كاتب الموضوع تقديم بلاغ مشاركة بتاريخ: 15 يونيو 2005 اشكرك يا مصطفى لكن انا عندي احساس انه مو هذا اللي بدي اياه....شوف .... انا عندي حقل في قاعدة البيانات اسمه TPT_CHRG و لنحكي انه فيه قيمة 300 وعندي حقل ثاني اسمه TPT_BAL في البداية رح يكون 0 لكن بعد انقضاء شهر من تاريخ تسجيل RECORD (اللي اصلا موجود حقل للتاريخ) بدي اياه يضيف على TPT_BAL قيمة 300 .... وهكذا .... يعني باللغات البرمجة العادية بدي اياه يصير هيك:TPT_BAL :=TPT_CHRG+TPT_BAL ارجو انها و ضحت الصورة...و اذا DBMS.JOB يفي بالغرض ارجوا الشرخ خطوه خطوه اذا فيه مجال كيف ابدأ اعمل فيهوروح يا اخوي يا مصطفى الله يفتحها بوجهك (بس ما يفتحها زي ما بقصدوها الزرقاويين (ضربة موس)) اقتباس رابط هذا التعليق شارك المزيد من خيارات المشاركة
mustafa76 بتاريخ: 15 يونيو 2005 تقديم بلاغ مشاركة بتاريخ: 15 يونيو 2005 يا زلمة فغشت كل احاسيسي وكينوناتي يزلمه اقراهن وبعدين شغل احساسك المرهف اقتباس رابط هذا التعليق شارك المزيد من خيارات المشاركة
أبو الروض بتاريخ: 12 يوليو 2005 تقديم بلاغ مشاركة بتاريخ: 12 يوليو 2005 هههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه تعرفوا ماذا أتمنى الان ؟؟؟ أن يجتمع الأخ mustafa76 و babor_kaz الان للقتال يمكن الاخ بابور إستفز مصطفى لاتزعل أخ بابور سأساعدك في هذا الباكيج خذ هذه الصفحة وإدعيلي ولأخيك في الله مصطفى طبعا شكرا لك مصطفى على الموقع الرائع للبحث وهو والله يوفقكم جميعا وإليك شرح عن dbms_job dbms_job.rar اقتباس رابط هذا التعليق شارك المزيد من خيارات المشاركة
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