abdo_m_mohamed بتاريخ: 24 فبراير 2018 تقديم بلاغ مشاركة بتاريخ: 24 فبراير 2018 If your busy DBA career left you living under a rock for the last few days, let me remind you that the new bundle version 4.1 is now released with the following enhancements Three new scripts backup_ctrl_spf_AWR.shkill_long_running_queries.shcheck_standby_lag.sh New features/bug fixes for already exist scripts RMAN_full.shdbalarm.shdbdailychk.shschedule_rman_full_bkp.shactive_sessions.shsql_id_details.sh SQLPLUS became more friendly for DBAs if been invoked using “sql” alias – Fundamental info about the DB you’re connecting to.– You current session details (OSPID, SID, SERIAL#).– The prompt will be tagged with time, instance_name you’re connecting to and the connected user.This will help you track your session log accurately plus minimize human mistakes by showing you the instance_name you’re connected to all the time.– The format of common columns in DBA_* & V$ views will be well fitted in your display. To download and for more details please visit this link http://dba-tips.blogspot.com/2014/02/oracle-database-administration-scripts.html اقتباس رابط هذا التعليق شارك المزيد من خيارات المشاركة
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