Ali Kurdy بتاريخ: 11 ديسمبر 2017 تقديم بلاغ مشاركة بتاريخ: 11 ديسمبر 2017 Backup / recovery (case study) This case study is meant to serve as a basis for developing your own backup, maintenance, and recovery scripts. Assumptions: The target database is running on windows 2000 platform. The target database will be Oracle 11g, named DESTDB. A user is created in the target database named BKuser with a password BKpass, and this user is granted SYSDBA privileges. The database is running in NOARCHIVE mode. This case study is divided into the following sections: Create an RMAN script for configuring RMAN parameters. Backup the target database. Validate the database: Verify that database is restorable. Verify that tablespaces are restorable. Run Recovery catalog maintenance against the target database's control file. Remove the target database to simulate and setup a disaster recovery situation. Restore and recover the target database. Q1: Write the commands that will login to the target database, with no recovery catalog. Q2: Write the script that will set the default values for the following parameters: Retention policy Redundancy 2 Device type Disk Control file backup Automatic Control file backup destination D:\Oracle9i\OraBackups\ Degree of parallelism 2 Q3: Keep in mind that the only backups that are allowed are: Whole database backups when the database is cleanly closed and the instance is mounted. Tablespace backups of tablespaces that are offline clean or read only. Write the script that will backup the whole database, after taking the two previous points in consideration. Q4: Write a script to verify that the entire database can be restored using the existing backups, and check on the ability to restore an individual tablespace named redo_tbs. Q5: Write a script to do the following: Display a list of files that need to be backed up based on the retention policy. Delete any un-necessary backups. Get a complete summary list of existing backups. Q6: We removed the target database to simulate and setup a disaster recovery situation, the instance is shutdown, and all the configuration files are in their appropriate places, write a script to restore and recover the target database. اقتباس رابط هذا التعليق شارك المزيد من خيارات المشاركة
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