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مشكله في تصميم Er Diagram

Mohamed Aldalei

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احتاج حل في ال ER Digram 


Properties are rented by tenants. Each tenant is assigned a unique number by the agency. Data held about each tenant include family name, first name, contact address, phone number and property rented. A tenant may rent more than one property at any given time.


Properties are owned by owners. Each property is assigned a unique building number. The agency only encourages a single owner for any of the properties it handles. The owner, address and value are recorded for each property. In addition, the lease period and bond, are recorded for each property rented. An owner may own several properties.


Regular property maintenance is also recorded. The property, date, type of maintenance and cost are stored. Maintenance cost are charged to the property owner.


Tenants pay accounts to the agency for each property they rented. These consists of date of payment, tenant,  property, type of account (rental, Bond or damage) and the amount.


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