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Scenario 2 Assume that a printer needs to deal with different situations, e.g., it can be idle waiting for a job, it can be printing a job and not taking any new jobs due to limited memory, it can be out of paper, or ink or it has printed so much that it is overheating and needs a break to cool down.
Problem: This printer supports a number of actions (print/ reset/ getstatus) that all need to behave differently depending on the situation the printer currently is in. Implementing these actions would lead to huge IF-THEN-ELSE statements.

Task#5 Select the most appropriate design pattern to use for this problem and Clearly motivate how this pattern addresses the problem.
Task#6 Explain how this pattern should be implemented and show an appropriate class diagram to illustrate the implementation of your pattern. (No code). Don’t give a generic class diagram for this pattern but make it specific for that design problem.

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