الانتقال إلى المحتوى

Form Update Not Working

Hani Gamal

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I created custom form master and detail , the detail block is based on view , and to handle the insert and update DML i created custom procedure to produce insert or update DML based on the line existance in the database , and i added this procedure in the on-insert and on-update triggers and NULL: value in the on-lock triggeer , The problem is only insert is working fine but when updating existing record no action produced.


any Help?,


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The problem is solved :


i this case if you have a view based form we need to handle on-insert, on-update , on-lock trigger on block level, one of the ways is to create database procedure to handle the insert and update DML and pass its parameter from the form.




I created custom form master and detail , the detail block is based on view , and to handle the insert and update DML i created custom procedure to produce insert or update DML based on the line existance in the database , and i added this procedure in the on-insert and on-update triggers and NULL: value in the on-lock triggeer , The problem is only insert is working fine but when updating existing record no action produced.


any Help?,



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