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Q about the Oracle Services


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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،،

?plz, i want to know what is the following Oracle Services Job

1. OracleMTSRecoveryService
2. OracleOraHome92Agent
3. OracleOraHome92ClientCache
4. OracleOraHome92HTTPServer
5. OracleOraHome92pagingServer
6. OracleOraHome92SNMPPeerEncapsulator
7. OracleOraHome92SNMPPeerMasterAgent
8. OracleOraHome92TNSListener
9. OracleServiceSID

رابط هذا التعليق

1. OracleMTSRecoveryService

Provides interface between Oracle database and Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS).

2. OracleOraHome92Agent
Executes the jobs and events submitted through OEM server console.

3. OracleOraHome92ClientCache
Caches the resolved oracle service addresses on the client machine.

4. OracleOraHome92HTTPServer
Service for Apache HTTP server.

5. OracleOraHome92pagingServer
Service used by OEM for sending pages to DBAs.

6. OracleOraHome92SNMPPeerEncapsulator
Service that integrates Oracle Intelligent Agent with Windows SNMP framework. It enables Oracle Agent service to respond to third party SNAP consoles like HP Openview or IBM Director.

7. OracleOraHome92SNMPPeerMasterAgent
Service that integrates Oracle Intelligent Agent with Windows SNMP framework. It enables Oracle Agent service to respond to third party SNAP consoles like HP Openview or IBM Director.

8. OracleOraHome92TNSListener
Service for Oracle listener.

9. OracleServiceSID
Service for Oracle instance

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