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سؤال عن ربط الفورم ببعض وايهما افضل؟


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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله احبائي الكرام
انا الان اعمل مشروع نهاية الدوره في الاوراكل دفلوبر وهي الاولى لي طبعا
واجهتني مشكلة ربط الفورم ببعضها لا اعرف كيف اربطها ببعضها واستخدمت الكثير من الاوامر مثل
open_form , show_form , show_window , الخ
لكنها لم تنفع لست ادري لماذا رغم ان المعلومات في اhelp تقول كذلك
ارجو المساعده باقرب فرصه
كما اني اريد ان اعرف ايهما افضل ان تعمل مشروع في نفس الفورمه وتعمل كل block على canvas مختلفه وwindow مختلفه ثم استخدام الوظائف السابقه
او ان تعمل لك block في form خاصه به فقط ايمها افضل ؟؟

ارجو المساعده وجزاكم الله خير :lol:

رابط هذا التعليق

Many Blocks or Many Forms?

Typically, a Form Builder application consists of more than one data block. With more than one data block, you can do the following:
• Separate the navigation cycle of one group of items from another
• Map each data block to a different database table (You can have one base table per data block.)
• Produce a master-detail form, with a master data block and corresponding detail data blocks that are related to the master You can create a large form module with many data blocks. Alternatively, you can create several smaller form modules with fewer data blocks in each.
Generally, a modular application with several smaller form modules has the following characteristics:
• Modules are loaded only when their components are required, thus conserving memory.
• Maintenance can occur on one module without regenerating or loading the others.
• Forms can call upon one another, as required.
• Parallel development can be carried out by different team members on different components.


رابط هذا التعليق

dear said_online

Salam Alikom thank u for your informations about many block form
i made them as you said ... every data block in a separeted form
i have discoverd that this way is much petter than if we make all blocks in the same form
thanks to all

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