مسلم فلسطيني بتاريخ: 28 فبراير 2004 تقديم بلاغ مشاركة بتاريخ: 28 فبراير 2004 السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ...تحية طيبة وبعد ,,, فهذه اول مشاركة لي في منتداكم ... وارجوا ان يكون عندكم حلول , وتساعدونا فيها ,,.؟فهل عندكم حل ... ما هوOracle AS واين يمكن استخدامOracle AS وما فائدته!!! , وان شاء الله نستمر معكم والى الامام بأذن الله ..... اقتباس رابط هذا التعليق شارك المزيد من خيارات المشاركة
natour بتاريخ: 14 ديسمبر 2004 تقديم بلاغ مشاركة بتاريخ: 14 ديسمبر 2004 Oracle iAS = Oracle Internet Application Server = Oracle E-Business Suite (Oracle Applications) ,qouted from http://www.orafaq.org/faqapps.htm"Oracle Financials products provide organizations with solutions to a wide range of long- and short-term accounting system issues. Regardless of the size of the business, Oracle Financials can meet accounting management demands with: Oracle Assets: Ensures that an organization's property and equipment investment is accurate and that the correct asset tax accounting strategies are chosen. Oracle General Ledger: Offers a complete solution to journal entry, budgeting, allocations, consolidation, and financial reporting needs. Oracle Inventory: Helps an organization make better inventory decisions by minimizing stock and maximizing cash flow. Oracle Order Entry: Provides organizations with a sophisticated order entry system for managing customer commitments. Oracle Payables: Lets an organization process more invoices with fewer staff members and tighter controls. Helps save money through maximum discounts, bank float, and prevention of duplicate payment. Oracle Personnel: Improves the management of employee- related issues by retaining and making available every form of personnel data. Oracle Purchasing: Improves buying power, helps negotiate bigger discounts, eliminates paper flow, increases financial controls, and increases productivity. Oracle Receivables:. Improves cash flow by letting an organization process more payments faster, without off-line research. Helps correctly account for cash, reduce outstanding receivables, and improve collection effectiveness. Oracle Revenue Accounting Gives an organization timely and accurate revenue and flexible commissions reporting. Oracle Sales Analysis: Allows for better forecasting, planning. and reporting of sales information. " اقتباس رابط هذا التعليق شارك المزيد من خيارات المشاركة
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