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sap VS oracle business suite


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اذا اردنا المقارنة بين SAP وال ORACLE من ناحية ال ERP فهناك عدة عوامل تميز كل منهما عن الاخر ، مثلا
1- تتميز ORACLE برخص سعر رخص الاستخدام مقارنة بال SAP ولذلك تجد ان اوراكل منتشرة اكثر في الشركات المتوسطة الحجم وساب تتواجد غالبا
في الشركات المتوسطة الى الكبيرة جدا نظرا لقدرتهم على دفع قيمة رخص الاستخدام.
2- تتمميز SAP بخبرتها العريضة في ERP .
3- تتميز SAP بسهولة الاستخدام User-Friendly اكثر من ORACLE .
4- تتميز أوراكل بكثرة بالدعم الفني.
5- المختصينProfessionals في اوراكل اكثر منهم في SAP وخصوصا في العالم العربي.

لوكنت مستخدما لأخترت SAP بلا تفكير ولو كنت مدير شركة لاخترت ORACLE بلا تفكير.

تحياتي ،،،،

رابط هذا التعليق

thanx online for ur arrangment answer.

ok now u said oracle erp has many job opportunities than sap, but sap as job level or position and salary is better than oracle. but if i wont find job in sap cause little jobs so its useless!

so i want to ask u if you are me, and having one opportunity to learn sap or oracle business suite. what you will choose for better job in gulf?

am in india right now and already having ocp.

and at last every things in allah hand.

thanx brother online

رابط هذا التعليق

Hopefully my answer on the forum was clear since it is in ARABIC :).Regarding your question, while you are OCP then you road to E-Business suite will be more easier and you will be appointed as technical and functional specialist on Oracle.

If you go to SAP I think it will be quite difficult to 1-Find a job on Gulf countries. 2- Most of the SAP professionals own SAP certification that required an effort and huge cost to acquire it, so without SAP certificate you are not consider as SAP specialist for the recruitment offices.

If you need more clarification I'm available at any time,


رابط هذا التعليق

no ur messages was clear either arabic or eng thanx, but i dont have arabic keyboard.

wot happened i spend two months in sap basis (technical) because it has huge market in the world but then i got to know its not like that in gulf.

so wot i decided is to continue in sap technical modules but ill do oracle apps dba (technical) only as course, means come to classes only i wont focus on it, because i wont have the option again after i leave india, so if really no jobs for sap then i have to improve my self in apps and it ll be easy if i did the course inshallah. this IT disadvantage u have to be ready for the current market :)

can i ask u friendly mr online wot ur job role if u dont mind. :)

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