mustafa76 بتاريخ: 5 ديسمبر 2004 تقديم بلاغ مشاركة بتاريخ: 5 ديسمبر 2004 عثرت على هذا الشرح والكود في احد المواقع ولكن لم اقم بتجريبه Run Executable From Oracle This is a small utility that can run an executable from PL/SQL on NT40 (>=Oracle80) or Win95 (>=Personel Oracle80). If your Oracle Server is not >=80, don't worry, dowload Personal Oracle from Oracle, install it to a normal win95 machine and then use RPC (Remote Procedure Call) from your server over a db link. If you are on Unix and want to use something like that, please see Thomas Kyte (Guru of the Oracle Gurus). He has a solution for this on Unix using pipes. You can find and get the source from newsgroup (or on Web). create user mail identified by mail; grant connect,resource,create library,create public synonym to mail; CREATE OR REPLACE LIBRARY demolib IS 'c:\winnt\system32\kernel32.dll'; create or replace function run(lpCmdLine IN varchar2, nCmdShow IN binary_integer) return binary_integer AS EXTERNAL NAME "WinExec" LIBRARY demolib CALLING STANDARD PASCAL; create sequence lock#; grant execute on dbms_lock to mail;P.S. Here we have a 7.2 production and a 8.0 where-shell-function-is database, when i use RPC from 7.2 like this; execute shell@data('dir'); -- it gives an error, but when i use values instead of defaults, like this; execute shell@data('dir',true,false,100); -- it executes succesfully. In my opinion, this can because of default boolean datatypes.create or replace procedure shell (what varchar2,llock boolean default true,show boolean default false,wait number default 100) IS pfile utl_file.file_type; d binary_integer; dummy varchar2(20); ok boolean:=false; ploop number:=0; plock# number; ndumm number; begin if llock then select lock#.nextval into plock# from dual; loop select count(*) into ndumm from v$session where to_number(substr(client_info,instr(client_info,'-')+1))<plock# and client_info is not null; pfile:=utl_file.fopen('c:\mail\','shell.ok','r'); utl_file.get_line(pfile,dummy); utl_file.fclose(pfile); if substr(dummy,1,1)='O' and ndumm=0 then pfile:=utl_file.fopen('c:\mail\','shell.ok','w'); utl_file.put_line(pfile,to_char(plock#)); utl_file.fclose(pfile); ok:=true; else ploop:=ploop+1; if ploop > wait then raise_application_error(-20000,'Try again later'); else dbms_application_info.set_client_info('Waiting for ' || to_char(ploop) || ' secs - ' || to_char(plock#)); dbms_lock.sleep(ploop); dbms_application_info.set_client_info(null); end if; end if; exit when ok; end loop; pfile:=utl_file.fopen('c:\mail\','shell.ok','r'); utl_file.get_line(pfile,dummy); utl_file.fclose(pfile); if plock#<>to_number(dummy) then raise_application_error(-20999,'Conflict ! Try again'); end if; end if; if show then d:=1; else d:=0; end if; -- pfile:=utl_file.fopen('c:\mail\','shell.bat','w'); for Win95 pfile:=utl_file.fopen('c:\mail\','shell.bat','w'); --for NT utl_file.put_line(pfile,what); utl_file.put_line(pfile,'echo O> c:\mail\shell.ok'); utl_file.put_line(pfile,'echo ' || what || '(' || to_char(sysdate,'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') || ')' || '>> c:\mail\shell.log'); utl_file.put_line(pfile,'exit'); utl_file.fclose(pfile); -- d:=run('c:\mail\shell.bat',d); for Win95 d:=run('c:\mail\shell.cmd',d); --for WinNT end; / create public synonym shell for; grant all on shell to public; اقتباس رابط هذا التعليق شارك المزيد من خيارات المشاركة
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