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Test failed: Unsupported Oracle database version

هل لا يعمل على ORACLE 8I ???

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do you talk about connection to JDeveloper ? which version of JDeveloper you use .Look In general Oracle 8i is not a supported database and you cannot connect to it using the thin driver in JDeveloper.

You can connect Using 9i,10 g using the thin driver

تم تعديل بواسطة Hala Salem
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No,you can not about version of JDeveloper use April version or July version see this in oracle website these are the production versions of JDeveloper 11g note that you can have version of 10 and 11 in the same computer because 10g does not need any set up

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Of course from Oracle Website

Jdeveloper 11g (new April version)
Download the studio Edition
JDeveloper 10g
Download the studio Edition

تم تعديل بواسطة Hala Salem
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