الانتقال إلى المحتوى

تحويل الا رقا م الى حروف

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لو عا يز تحول من ارقا م 426 الى حروف اربع الاف وو ما ئتان و ستون بس بالا نجليزى طبعا

create or replace function moneyfunc(value number) return char is
   num1       number(12,2);
   num2       varchar2(20);
   y          number;
   a          varchar2(20);
   temp       number;
   money      number;
   money_str  varchar2(200);
   t_str      varchar2(200);
   y1         number(12,2);
   numx       number(12,2);
   numy       number(12,2);
   c1         varchar2(20);
   d          varchar2(20);
   f          number;
   k          number(2);
   b          varchar2(20);
begin num1 := value;
      money := num1;
      num1 := floor(num1/1000000000);
        if num1  > 0 then

           select     to_char(to_date(num1,'j'),'jsp')
           into num2 from dual; money_str := num2||' hundred ';
      end if;

           select     mod(money,1000000000) 
           into num1 from dual; money := num1;
               y := floor(num1/10000000);

      if y > 0 then
           select     to_char(to_date(y,'j'),'jsp') 
           into a from dual; t_str := a;

           money_str := money_str|| t_str||' crore(s) ';
                num1 := mod(num1,10000000);
      end if;
            y := floor(num1/100000);

       if y > 0 then

           select     to_char(to_date(y,'j'),'jsp') 
           into a from dual; t_str := a;
       money_str := money_str||t_str||' lac ';

           select     mod(num1,100000) 
           into num1 from dual; end if;

      y := floor(num1/1000);
      if y > 0 then      
           select     to_char(to_date(y,'j'),'jsp') 
           into b from dual; t_str := b;
       money_str := money_str||t_str||' thousand ';

            num1 := mod(num1,1000);
           select     to_char(to_date(floor(num1/100),'j'),'jsp') 
           into a from dual; t_str := a;
      end if;
        y := floor(num1/100);
      if y > 0 then
           select     to_char(to_date(y,'j'),'jsp') 
           into a from dual; t_str := a; 
       money_str := money_str||t_str||' hundred and ';
            num1 := mod(num1,100);
      end if;
           if num1 > 0 then
           select     floor(num1) 
           into temp from dual; num1 := temp;

           select    to_char(to_date(num1,'j'),'jsp') 
           into a from dual; t_str := a;
       money_str := money_str||t_str;
      end if;

              y1 := money;
           select     instr(to_char(y1),'.') 
           into numy from dual; if numy > 0 then
                 select     substr(y1,(numy+1),2) 
                 into c1 from dual; select     vsize(c1) 
                 into k from dual; f := to_number(c1);
            if k = 1 then
                 f := f * 10;
                 select     to_char(to_Date(f,'j'),'jsp') 
                 into d from dual; else
                 select     to_char(to_date(f,'j'),'jsp') 
                 into d from dual; end if;
            return('Rupee(s) '||money_str||' and '||d||' paise only');
            return('Rupee(s) '||money_str||' only' );
      end if;

تم إضافة الملف بالمرفقات
إدارة المنتدي


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