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Make connection using ODBC on Oracle Data Base
open access file and make like table or query using ODBC
open the table or qury(based on Oracle u can take the statment from oracle report and put it on access query) from access then
open file --> export to Xls files
Eng. Khalil Sakr

تم تعديل بواسطة sakr_orcl
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if you are using the reports runtime go to file menuand export the report to csv and open it with the excel

if you are running your report through the web woth an html format you can save the html file the open it using the excel with specifing the column specification

the best solution for generating the report directly to excel is to use the ole object to speak directly from the forms through code to the excel so as to be able to control the format

also there are some programs on the net that generate the reports to excel either they were run on the web or from the client environment (rep2excel )


ocp,oca m.a

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