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مشكل في تنصيب اللغة


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لقد واجهتني مشكلة في تنصيب الغة العربية على Oracle Apps 11i
و دلك باستعمال خطوات (Meta Link Note(Auto Config
1. Change language configuration.

Use the Oracle Applications Manager (OAM) License Manager tool to change the language configuration or activate a new language in an existing system. See Registering Languages in Oracle Applications Maintenance Procedures for more information.

Note that the language you add must be supported by the current character set in your system.

Update multilingual tables.2.

To update all multilingual tables in your system, go to the AD Administration main menu, and choose the Maintain Applications Database Entities submenu. Then, run the Maintain Multi-lingual Tables task. See Chapter 4 in Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities for more information about running tasks in AD Administration.

ولكن عند القيام بالخطوة 3

3. Create language patch area(s).

Complete the following steps to create a language patch area:

Choose a directory that contains enough space for the NLS updates (about 10 GB for each language).

Create a subdirectory called nls11i10 in this directory. This subdirectory is the <NLS_update_directory>.

Mount the NLS DVD software or copy the NLS DVD to a permanent file system. This is the <NLS_media_location>.

Populate the <NLS_update_directory> as follows:


$ cd <NLS_media_location>/Disk1/nls/stage
$ ./adcrptop.sh <NLS_update_directory> \ <NLS_media_location>/Disk1/nls/stage

For example, to unload the Portuguese software from DVD to /d1/oracle/patch/nls11i10:

$ cd /mnt/Disk1/nls/stage
$ ./adcrptop.sh /d1/oracle/patch/nls11i10 /mnt/Disk1/nls/stage


C:/> cd <NLS_media_location>
C:/> adcrptop.cmd <NLS_update_directory> \

For example, to unload the Portuguese software from DVD (E:\) to d:\oracle\patch\nls11i10:

C:/> cd e:\Disk1\nls\stage
E:/> adcrptop.cmd d:\oracle\patch\nls11i10 \
يظهر التالي:

Unzipping F_abm.zip to D:\Langues\francais\nls11i10\F\abm ..
ERROR: Patch top creation failed.
Check if you have sufficient (6G) disk space

Please Help me!!!!

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