الانتقال إلى المحتوى

Dynamic Hierarchical Tree


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Dear All

how could i creat a hierarchical tree when i did the following
select 1 , level, ename , null, empno
from emp
start with lower(ename) = lower(:blockname. textitem)
connect by prior empno=mgr

but actually it doesnt work
and when i used devloper 6i with static tree i have to put
select 1 , level, ename , null,to_char( empno )
while i dont need that with 10g

my question
1- how create Dynamic hierarchical tree
2-why i should put to_char with 6i

thanks alot

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v_htree         ITEM;
pp integer ;
current_node  FTREE.NODE;
begin v_htree := Find_Item('tree_bl.htree') ;
current_node := Ftree.Get_Tree_Selection(v_htree, 1) ;
pp := tree.GET_TREE_NODE_PROPERTY(v_htree,current_node,Ftree.NODE_VALUE); 

ftree.set_tree_property('tree_bl.htree' , ftree.query_text , 
'select  -1 , level , '' ''||ac_nam||'' / ''||ac_num , icn , ac_num
from act start with ac_num ='||pp||
'connect by prior ac_num = levl_c') ;
ftree.populate_tree('tree_bl.htree') ;


message('التسلسل الشجري'||'  '||:system.trigger_node , no_acknowledge) ;

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