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i want to increase the system tablespace


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dear all my brothers
i face alittel problem
my system tablespace is 400 mb and the availble from it now is 3 mb and i'm afraid that i will not find afree space in the next days so really i need to now how to increase this tablespace to be 800 mb or any thing to be big and not stopping my database
really i need the stps to made that and i will be thankful to all of you .
ihab gouhar
oracle developer

رابط هذا التعليق

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ،
بالإضافة إلى ماذكره أخي أبو صالح يمكنك زيادة حجم الملف أو تفعيل خاصية AUTOEXTEND ON بتنفيذ مايلي :

alter database datafile 'F:\Ora9iDB\oradata\myora\system01.dbf' autoextend on;

alter database  datafile 'F:\Ora9iDB\oradata\myora\system01.dbf' RESIZE 500M;

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